A New India

It is a new era for civilization in India. As 2011 Census draws near, India the country marches forward on the path of progress. But this progress is still, to a large extent, uni-dimensional. It is largely seen in the metropolitian cities, this at a time when 72% resides in the villages. Politicians are facing a huge dilemma, as the economic influx is in the cities while  the vote-bank resides in the villages. The answer is casteism and reservation. While it is entirely desirable to provide privileges for the weaker sections of the society, it seems outrageous that the Government is providing the backward classes more opportunities to remain backward. It would be much better if there were reservations for the POOR people, especially in educational institutions. The Government has to stop extending its influence in the public sector, and gradually, its area of attention should only be Defence, Education, Health and Transport (and of course myriad public amenities like electricity and water supply). Funds should be spent in opening schools, so that every child knows to read and write. Villagers must be encouraged to progress, not to cities, but to a better rural life. We don't need statues and museums, give us better infrastructure. A nice solution, but it still has a bigger question...HOW??? How can we do something like this, sitting at home, writing blogs? Yes, We Can (Sorry Barack). We need awareness. Acting as if these problems don't exist won't solve them. The first step to become perfect is by agreeing that you are imperfect, and then working upon it. It's not just about politics. India, we need more doctors, engineers, CA's, lawyers, teachers and farmers. We need more employment. We need to eradicate illiteracy, then ignorance, then poverty. If the first is done, the next two automatically follow. Be whatever you want to be, and remember to give back a little to India...


  1. Unfortunately India has been embattled with these same problems for the last 65 years since its independent existence. It is high time that these issues are corrected!!!


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