
I never quite learnt how to fly a kite

I was too afraid of the cuts to think of soaring high

Clutching tightly to everything I held dear

I never knew ambition, but I sure knew fear

I never liked jumping in the rain-filled puddles

I was too worried about my feet getting muddled

It's not often a kid worries about costs and benefits

But I'd never dance in the water-clogged streets

I never took a bet, always afraid of the regret

The nicest memories are always the hardest to forget

But I never could see how much greener the grass is

On the back-side of today, through my rose-tinted glasses

I never liked the taste of salt on my skin

It was much easier resting in the wind

But what do you do, when the wind stops blowing?

When you don't know how to swim, all you can do is sink

I never believed in destiny, still I resigned to my fate

I put everyone else first, thinking the world would compensate

But now, I'm too tired of always being the one to compromise

It's time to set upon a journey, to find where my truth lies


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